This EMA Newsletter is dedicated to the 2424 EMA Awards, a new book by EMA Chair Karl B. Murr, and the projects in which EMA participates.
This EMA Newsletter is dedicated to the 2424 EMA Awards, a new book by EMA Chair Karl B. Murr, and the projects in which EMA participates.
EMA continues interviewing experts in their field. For our current issue we have been speaking to Gregor Isenbort, director of DASA Museum about his career, experiences, projects, role in EMA.
On May 31, the Portuguese Museum Association (Associação Portuguesa de Museologia — APOM) organized, in Porto, Portugal, its annual award ceremony. In the presence of an audience of museologists, the European Museum Academy was granted the award in the category of International Organisation.
The EMA family has had to bid farewell to our beloved friend colleague and mentor, Wim van der Weiden, one of the founders of EMA in 2009, who passed away on 28 October after a difficult illness.
EMA continues interviewing next generations of the museum field who is one of the winners of the EMA Master Study Award and PhD student, Anastasia Serikova. We talked about her research and difficult heritage of countries.
EMA continues interviewing experts in their field. For our current issue we have been speaking to Ann Nicholls, EMA about her career, experiences, role in EMA.
EMA, a dynamic and forward-looking organisation to stimulate innovative thinking in European museums, publishes details of its current activities in an occasional Newsletter. Its Press Releases will continue to focus on individual announcements and events. Read more on awards, activities, publications, and events.
As the summer is here, we would like to share some of our latest news before you go on your vacations. In this issue: dates of the EMA meeting in Luxemburg, a review of “El Lenguaje Museografico, and more.
EMA NEWSLETTER – WINTER ISSUE – 2022 A WORD FROM THE BOARD At a time when the world has been struggling with the coronavirus pandemic, severe events due to climate change and very recently with
Interview with Anastasia Serikova EMA asks questions to winner of the 2021 Master Study of the Year Award. In this issue, Hazal Sahin from EMA has interviewed Anastasia Serikova who is a second year student in Saint-Petersburg State
The European Museum Academy is a volunteer society of museum experts from different national and cultural backgrounds, united for the advancement of knowledge in museology.
We will send you a bimonthly newsletter, to keep you updated on new articles, awards and events