EMA publishes details of its current activities in an occasional Newsletter. Its Press Releases will continue to focus on individual announcements and events.

A European Museum Expertise Foundation

A dynamic and forward-looking organisation to stimulate innovative thinking in European museums

Dear Members and Friends of the European Museum Academy,

We are happy to welcome you to the latest edition of our Newsletter. We hope that the summer is treating you well.

The EMA Awards and the Children in Museums Award application period has ended, and candidate museums have been visited by the jurors. The jurors have met and discussed, compared and assessed all the applying museums. We look forward to seeing all friends, members and candidates at the annual EMA Award Ceremony and Conference. This year the meeting will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, from Thursday 3 to Saturday 5 October. The official registration form is available on the EMA website.
In this issue, you’ll also find information about the two major research projects META-MUSEUM and HERITALISE under the European Union Horizon Europe Programme in which EMA will be a partner from the autumn.

We hope you have a great summer ahead!
Enjoy reading and warm regards,

Karl B. Murr
Chairman of the Board

Master Study of the Year Award 2024

The Master Study of the Year Award recognizes outstanding master’s studies in the fields of museum studies, museology, and/or museum education. As the European Museum Academy focus is on exchange of knowledge, experience and personal contacts, this award celebrates new ideas and academic excellence from the next generations of museum professionals.

In the annual European Museum Academy Award Ceremony, the applications will have their share of attention. The winner is invited to join the ceremony. We will distribute a press release, and the winner is featured in an exclusive interview for the EMA newsletter.

The closing date for applications will be October 1, 2024.

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On May 31, the Portuguese Museum Association (Associação Portuguesa de Museologia — APOM) organized, in Porto, Portugal, its annual award ceremony. In the presence of an audience of museologists, the European Museum Academy was granted the award in the category of International Organisation.

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Meet Us in NICOSIA Next October!

The EMA awards application period has ended, and candidates have been visited by the juries. It is also time to announce and invite everyone to the annual EMA Meeting. This year the meeting will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, from Thursday 3 to Saturday 5 October. The official registration form is now available on the EMA website.

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DUMaH Master Programme: Education in Museums & Heritage (Erasmus Mundus International Master)

This is a uniquely innovative and multidisciplinary programme that equips the next generation of museum and heritage professionals with the ability to engage with the various contexts (cultural, social, political) that they will encounter and which are needed for the 21st century. The programme includes placements, language learning and a minimum of three mobility periods in Europe.

For further information


META-MUSEUM (“Moving Emotions towards confidence in the Transformative Appropriation for a Meaningful Understanding of cultural heritage: a neuroScientific approach to EUropean Museums”), by using neuroscience, aims to understand how cultural heritage impacts people’s emotions and thinking. The project, coordinated by the Politecnico di Torino, will last three years and study how encountering cultural heritage can be a “transformative” experience, fostering personal growth, social inclusion, and even resilience in a challenging future. Through experiments in museums, hospitals, and even urban areas, the project will explore the emotional and cognitive connection people have with cultural heritage.
The project, based on findings, aims to develop new approaches for cultural communication and technological tools to support it. Ultimately, META-MUSEUM hopes to increase citizen’s awareness, empathy, and confidence in the future by leveraging the power of cultural heritage.

HERITALISE: Heritage buildings and objects’ digitisation & visualisation within the cloud
Cultural heritage (CH) is a rich tapestry of institutions and people constantly creating and using complex data on a vast array of objects. These objects, from portable artefacts to grand buildings and natural sites, can be tangible (physical things) or intangible (like traditions). Understanding and protecting them requires a lot of detailed information.

We’ll share updates about both projects as they proceed and results unfold. Stay tuned and follow us on our social media accounts for more interesting news about the world of museums.


IULM Master course: Museology and New Media and Museum Communication (On Line)

Our Master’s course has a unique approach to museology in its most innovative form, especially at a European level. It is carried out in collaboration with the European Museum Academy Foundation (NL) which contributes with its experts and educational resources. Articulated e-learning is the key point: the online modules also offer students abroad the opportunity to take part in this course under careful tutoring. The programme is designed for those interested in acquiring skills in contemporary museology and the interconnections between museum and heritage, as well as in new media and museum communication.

For further information

EMA – European Museum Academy Foundation
Oude Diedenweg 75, 6704 AB Wageningen, The Netherlands.

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