EMA Situation for Museums in Europe Report 2024

The European Museum Academy is proud to present for the seventh year in a row the following more subjective inside views about how museums are doing and what the museums’ current challenges are, be it political, financial, in legislation, organisational or something else.

How are museums doing in Europe?

The European Museum Academy Reports on The Museum Temperature by the end o

The European Museum Academy is proud to present for the seventh year in a row
the following more subjective inside views about how museums are doing and what
the museums’ current challenges are, be it political, financial, in legislation,
organisational or something else.

We all think we know something about how museums are doing in our own country,
and we know that we can find statistical information produced for specific research
projects and in continuous statistical series from our governments, the European
Union, the Council of Europe and even UNESCO.

But what is going on beneath the numbers? Politically? Financially? Museologically?
We would like to thank all our dedicated representatives across Europe who make it
possible for our independent network to present this report.

Enjoy reading it!
European Museum Academy

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