
EMA builds on a constantly growing pool of qualified experts who can give advice, monitor, and enrich projects in various fields of museum work. 

Our fields of interest

EMA addresses itself to individual professionals as well as public and private organisations active in the cultural and economic fields with an interest in museums as a medium for cultural communication at a European level; to individuals and organisations active in the educational field, to individuals and organisations active in the field of technological research applied to cultural heritage and to volunteer organisations active in historic preservation and in cultural fields in general. Although EMA’s activities are focused on Europe, our Foundation is also open to broader perspectives of cooperation at the international level in view of a necessary worldwide exchange of experiences.

Our network of consultants

The expertise of EMA always has an added value: the European framework in which individual programmes are evaluated and enriched. EMA also counts on an extensive archive built during the years by its members during their professional activity.

The EMA experts are the best insiders of the European museum scene. It makes them the right people to look at a museum as outsiders. In particular, members of the board of a museum, public authorities responsible for museums and cultural heritage, sponsors and funding agencies can profit from the knowledge and experience of the EMA experts.

EMA Consultancy guarantees a comparative approach that can bring a well-documented and updated knowledge of what is the state-of-the-art on a specific problem at the European level. More specifically, there are five areas where the contribution of EMA experts can be fruitful for a museum or any organisation dealing with museums matters :

  • training (design and organisation of training programmes) 
  • museum quality assessment (evaluation of the effectiveness of the exhibition and communication strategies) 
  • project enrichment (consultancy for developing an existing project or to help in the start-up phase)
  • methodology and organisation of European cooperation research projects (design of the research plan and compiling of documentary materials)
  • proofreading for culture (a new service for supervising and editing captions and texts in English to improve their linguistic and communicative quality)


EMA is a not-for-profit organisation, it is its effort to keep the fee for its consultancy work in an area affordable for most museums. A typical consultancy service consists of a preliminary study of the case, a one-and-a-half-day visit by two experts from different countries and the consequent production of a report of about 3,000 words focusing on the problematic areas for which the EMA expertise has been required.
If you are interested in this service, please write to:

Massimo Negri, EMA Director
or to:
Ann Nicholls, EMA Co-ordinator

We’ll be happy to work with you!

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