Museology as a university discipline has been developed for sixty years but besides its indubitable quantitative advance, a partial theoretical loosening may be observed. It is therefore necessary to explore where it got with its methods, methodology, and its theoretical foundation. Both older and more recent streams of museological thinking have been subjected to critical analysis, considered in the light of current philosophy, sociology, and culturology, questions of heritage and memory have been discussed. The museum item has been presented as an object and a fact in philosophical sense of the word, museum collection has been considered a structure, a special chapter has been dedicated to museum communication. Summarizing results and new methodological and terminological outputs have been achieved by means of comparing the approaches to museology on all the continents. The final part of the text is dedicated to blending of museology and practice, recommendations of further possible directions of theoretical research and to the future of museology as a scientific discipline.
Here is the link to the book: Museology and Its Theory by Jan Dolak
doc. PhDr. Jan Dolák, Ph.D.
Studied history, museology and archeology in Brno.
First, head of several Czech museums, in 2002– 2014 head of the UNESCO Chair of Museology and World Heritage at Masaryk University in Brno, now assistant professor at the Department of Ethnology and Museology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. Member of the board of the International Commission for Museology – ICOFOM, member of the editorial boards of scientific journals, organizer of international conferences, frequent lectures at home and abroad. His works have been translated into English, Russian, Chinese, French, Portuguese and German. Former Chairman of the Museums and Galleries Association of the Czech Republic. Focuses in his research on theoretical museology, the collection and presentation activities of museums, the history of museum culture and museum management and marketing.