EMA Museum Awards Closed

The call for submissions for our diverse museum awards has ended. If you missed this unique opportunity, we encourage you to check out our awards early 2025.

The call for submissions for our diverse museum awards has ended. If you missed this unique opportunity, we encourage you to check out our awards early 2025. To register your museum, exhibition, program or project has great benefits, and is valuable in itself. Being visited and judged by our expert jury-members, obtaining a certificate and being mapped on the website of the European Museum Academy are all potentially valuable elements of your public relations strategy. It enables you to emphasize your qualities to your audiences, stakeholders and financial supporters.

To sign up means participating in the exchange of ideas and experiences between museum professionals across borders.  

You have a wide choice

Children in Museum Award: values creativity and innovation and considers how an exhibition or programme can change the course of museum thinking or museum practice. This award is now closed for new applications.

Art Museum Award: dedicated to museum projects which focus on art in an innovative, pioneering, and creative way, addressing current social issues. This award is now closed for new applications.

Micheletti Award: with a focus on the way how content is translated into a narrative in exhibitions (as well as the museum as a whole): in short, history-telling. This award is now closed for new applications.

DASA Award: puts the spotlight on educational programs and exhibitions in museums. It ranges beyond programs itself and takes learning opportunities in the broad sense of the word. This award is now closed for new applications.

Heritage in Motion: for innovative audiovisual and multimedia projects which promote, explore, document, or safeguard Europe’s cultural heritage. More information on this award may follow later.

Museum in Short: for authors or producers who use videos to enhance museum communication and engage audiences. Projects may include documentaries, animations, trailers and visual installations. This award is now closed for new applications.

Have a look on our Awards Page »

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