DASA Award 2025
The DASA Award puts the spotlight on educational programs and exhibitions in museums. It ranges beyond programs itself and takes learning opportunities in the broad sense of the word.
The DASA Award puts the spotlight on educational programs and exhibitions in museums. It ranges beyond programs itself and takes learning opportunities in the broad sense of the word.
EMA, a dynamic and forward-looking organisation to stimulate innovative thinking in European museums, publishes details of its current activities in an occasional Newsletter. Its Press Releases will continue to focus on individual announcements and events. Read more on awards, activities, publications, and events.
EMA, a dynamic and forward-looking organisation to stimulate innovative thinking in European museums, publishes details of its current activities in an occasional Newsletter. Its Press Releases will continue to focus on individual announcements and events. Read more on awards, activities, publications, and events.
Tonight, the winners of three different Awards by the European Museum Academy (EMA) were announced: the Luigi Micheletti Award 2022, the DASA Award 2022 and the Art Museum Award 2022. The Awards ceremony took place at MUDAM-Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg, following the annual EMA conference, which was held in Esch-sur-Alzette and the Esch-Belval university district from September 8-10.
A special visit to the National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest The National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest won the 2021 DASA Award. The director, Professor Ioan Cristescu, invited EMA to visit the
The European Museum Academy is a volunteer society of museum experts from different national and cultural backgrounds, united for the advancement of knowledge in museology.
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